
Empowering nature and biodiversity conservation

Enabling funding, resources and collaboration

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Naturefuture - India’s first platform for amplifying funding for conservation

Here’s how we enable funders to invest consciously and amplify conservation efforts

Why we should care about nature conservation

Every area of our life and economy has connections with nature Nature is the basis of our life and livelihood and economy
Nature provides us with ecosystem services that are integral for our life - pollination, soil formation, watershed, pollution absorption, climate mitigation and more. According to the IUCN, when we attempt to put a monetary value to this - it could go up to 3 trillion dollars annually!

Nature, biodiversity and ecosystem loss and its adverse impact

  • Livelihoods: Agriculture, fisheries, crafts - are all livelihoods in close alignment with nature, that could be drastically affected by biodiversity loss.
  • Vulnerable communities become more vulnerable with all these compounded negative impacts
  • Economy: There could be 5.7% annual losses in India’s GDP (Gross Domestic Product) on account of biodiversity loss, according to a World Bank report (Mani, 2015).
  • Health and nutrition: Nature degradation means lack of fresh water and food sources due to pollution and pest infestations, contributing to disease. Lack of biodiversity also makes it harder for us to receive and absorb various micronutrients we need for a fuller life. Food security is affected to a large extent when there is biodiversity loss.
  • Climate change is showing its disastrous impacts to humans as well as biodiversity and ecosystems - contributing to degraded ecosystems and species extinction. However, degraded ecosystems are leading to the loss of natural carbon sinks, intensifying climate change impacts - a vicious cycle.
True conservation is community-oriented and engages with multiple stakeholders

How we enable funding for conservation

  • Naturefuture is here to be the bridge between funders who are seeking worthy causes to invest in and NGOs seeking to enhance the reach, depth and impact of their conservation work.
  • We recognise that CSR and philanthropy have their own goals, targets, values and aspirations with regard to their investments.
  • We are right here to extend support in associating with causes they resonate with, and connecting them with reliable projects to enable a greater reach and impact.

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Naturefuture’s invaluable contribution lie in their unwavering support and structured guidance. Their adeptness in introducing diverse fundraising opportunities and assisting in proposal development, tailor-made to the needs of the donors, significantly benefited us. Moreover, their commitment to empowering young non-profits is evident through their sincere feedback, enhancing our planning and capacity building. Their guidance has been instrumental in our organizational growth and we look forward to continuing to work with them.

Meghna Banerjee
Co-founder & CEO - HEAL

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