Terms and conditions

These terms and conditions apply to all users of the Naturefuture Platform (‘Platform’) curated, managed, hosted and operated by the Earthfuture Foundation (‘EFF’). The Platform’s Website can be accessed at www.naturefuture.org (‘Website’).

The Platform is an online and offline platform that EFF is curating to help users (including funders/donor organisations, civil society organisations (‘CSOs’), public institutions and others) exchange information and discover and fund nature conservation solutions via the Platform. Naturefuture is a website that displays high impact biodiversity conservation solutions to build knowledge and increase grant funding from third party donors towards effective biodiversity conservation action and EFF owns, manages and operates the said Platform.

We are committed to being your most trusted ally in your pursuit of sustainable biodiversity conservation action and to provide you with accurate information (to the best of our knowledge and effort) regarding biodiversity.

These terms and conditions (‘T&C’) explain:

  • The types of information EFF collects through the Platform’s services and purposes.
  • How EFF collects, stores, and shares your information.
  • Your rights with respect to such information collection.

EFF recognises and respects the privacy of the online visitors using the Naturefuture Website. EFF only collects personal information that the Website visitors choose to voluntarily and wilfully share and disclose to EFF, including but not limited to, while browsing the Website, signing up to receive e-newsletters, or signing up for log-in access to the Platform. Any information collected on this Website is used solely by EFF for internal purposes only and shall not be shared or disclosed to any third parties without the knowledge and the express written consent of their online visitors. EFF does not sell contact lists or personal user information to any third parties, telecom providers, internet service providers or any other marketing agencies. In specific cases, EFF may share personally identifiable information with third parties when the person submitting the information specifically authorises EFF, in writing, to share that personally identifiable information with the third parties. In the event EFF is required to disclose and share the personally identifiable information to enforcement agencies, judicial authorities, quasi-judicial authorities or any other administrative or legally constituted authorities under the mandate of the laws of India, then EFF shall be legally bound to share and disclose the said information. Personal information provided to EFF by means of using the Platform shall be presumed to be correct as submitted. EFF assumes no liability for the correctness or validity of such information submitted by its online users on the Website.

Use of this Website, is provided by EFF subject to the following terms and conditions:

  1. We, at EFF, care about the safety and security of your personal information and information submitted by you on our Website. EFF uses a secure, encrypted Website, which can securely send and receive private information across the public Internet. While we use reasonable efforts to protect your personal information and/or material(s)/content provided by you on the Website, from unauthorised access, use, or disclosure, we cannot provide any legal assurance or guarantee regarding the security of your personal information, information and/or material(s)/content provided by you on the Website as no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, can be so assured or guaranteed to be absolutely secure. If we are required by law to inform you of a breach to your personal information, information and/or material(s)/content provided by you, we may notify you electronically, in writing, or by telephone, if permitted or required to do so by law.

  2. Your use of this Website constitutes an acceptance of these terms and conditions to the effect of the date of your first use of this Website. If these terms and conditions are not accepted as a whole and in full form, your use of this Website must be ended with immediate effect.

  3. EFF may modify/change these terms and conditions at any time by posting changes, modifications, updates online on the Website. Your continued use of this Website after the changes, modifications, updates are posted constitutes your acceptance of these terms and conditions as modified as a whole and in full form.

  4. You agree to use this Website only for lawful purposes and in a manner that does not infringe the rights of or restrict or inhibit the use and enjoyment of the Website by, any third party.

  5. Role of EFF, Funders/Donors, Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and other visitors: The EFF is the Knowledge Platform Owner (‘KPO’) of the content EFF on the Website. The Website shall facilitate knowledge sharing and interactions between Funders/Donors and CSOs and other users to enable knowledge sharing and resource mobilisation for biodiversity projects.

  6. Liability Limitation:

    • The EFF, through the Website shall enable, without liability, the showcasing of biodiversity solutions and biodiversity-related projects curated by the EFF as potential funding opportunities for the Funder(s)/Donor(s).
    • The ownership of the final decision to accept funding request rests solely with the CSO(s), and the EFF does not take responsibility for their choice of the funding request and the engagement between the Funder(s)/Donor(s) and the CSO(s).
    • The EFF, shall not assume any responsibility or liability for funding tie-ups, funding solutions for delivery, implementation, execution, funding or failure of the biodiversity-related solution/project. The delivery, implementation, funding, execution etc. of the project as decided between the Funder(s)/Donor(s) and the CSO(s), is the sole responsibility of the Funder(s)/Donor(s) and the CSO(s) and EFF shall play no part/role in the delivery, implementation, funding, execution, failure etc. of the said project.
    • For all information and/or material(s)/content shared on the Platform by the CSO(s) with respect to any funding request, project information etc., EFF shall conduct preliminary compliance checks to ensure, in our best capacity, that information and/or material(s)/content as shared by the CSO(s) on the Platform is true. But EFF shall not take any responsibility for the authenticity and veracity of that information and/or material(s)/content and recommends the Funder(s)/Donor(s) to conduct an independent and comprehensive and detailed due diligence themselves before accepting the funding request of the CSO(s).
    • All views, statements and public representations of the CSO(s) made on the Platform are their own, and EFF does not take any responsibility of any statements and public representations made and for any repercussions arising therefrom.
  7. This Website and any information, names, images, pictures, and logos, brands, campaigns and additional complimentary material(s)/content regarding or relating to EFF or owned/developed by EFF are provided “as is” without any representation or endorsement made by EFF or any third party and without warranty of any kind whether express or implied. You acknowledge that such information and/or material(s)/content may contain inaccuracies and/or errors and shall be subject to corrections. In no event shall EFF be liable for any damages whatever including, without limitation to, indirect or consequential damages, arising from use of this Website or in connection with use or loss of use of this Website, whether in contract or due to negligent means, save that this condition will not restrict or limit our liability for any kind of loss the limitation of which is not permitted by law.

  8. EFF does its best to ensure that this Website is functioning correctly and that material(s)/content contained on the Website are accurate and updated in a timely manner and that no objectionable material(s) and/or content of any kind shall be uploaded, published and displayed on this Website. However, EFF does not warrant or represent:

    • that the functions and/or material(s)/content contained on this Website will always be uninterrupted or error free;
    • that any defects identified from time to time will be regularly corrected;
    • that this Website, or the server that makes it available, are free of viruses or bugs;
    • the full functionality, accuracy and reliability of the material(s)/content found on this Website;
    • that any material(s)/content posted on the Website bona fide believing the same to be not an objectionable or offensive material(s)/content shall not subjectively be considered to be objectionable or offensive by any person/persons.
  9. If you have concerns about accuracy of information, we invite you to bring to our attention any information and/or material(s)/content you believe to be factually inaccurate or objectionable. Kindly notify the EFF by forwarding a copy of the said information and/or material(s)/content and your comments by email to: contact@Naturefuture.org

  10. All the pre-existing intellectual property (‘IP’), including but not limited to, the logo, trademark, proprietary materials of the EFF, owned and developed by the EFF as displayed/shared on the Website of the Platform, and any translations of such IP are copyrighted material(s) owned by EFF at all times unless otherwise specifically indicated, in writing. We require that any translation and adaptation of the IP of EFF shall be performed with the prior express written approval of EFF. Notwithstanding such approval, under no circumstances shall EFF be held liable and responsible for the translation or adaptation of the content published/ performed by any third party. It is strictly prohibited to sell any copyrighted information and/or material(s)/content available on this Website to any third parties or to use any information and/or material(s)/content for personal gain or illegal motives and unlawful practices.

  11. All information and/or material(s)/content contained on this Website may, subject to copyright/use restrictions as may be expressly disclosed on the Website, be translated, printed and used for personal, educational, charitable purpose only and should not be used for the purposes of earning profit or personal gain or for illegal and unlawful practices, provided that at all times the source indications are stated (to include, but not to be limited to, the name of the copyright owner).

  12. Some of the information and/or material(s)/content, documents and photos that have been published on this Website with the express permission of the respective copyright owners (who are independent from EFF) have been duly acknowledged. All rights are reserved with EFF and the respective copyright owners on this copyrighted information and/or material(s)/content and permission to copy them must be requested from the respective copyright owners (the sources are indicated in respect of such information/material(s)/content/documents/photographs) separately.

  13. EFF takes no responsibility for any information and/or material(s)/content published and displayed on external internet websites. In addition, links to these external websites cannot be taken as an endorsement of the information and/or material(s)/content or approval by EFF of the views and expressions on these external Websites.

  14. Where information and/or material(s)/content has been posted by a third party on this Website, or any EFF social networking profile, if any, for example including (but not only limited to) Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, Instagram (‘Social Networking Profiles’), EFF takes no responsibility and shall not be held liable for third parties posting any information and/or material(s)/content on the Social Networking Profile(s) of EFF with respect to the information and/or material(s)/content available on the Platform. The posting of such information and/or material(s)/content by third parties on the Social Networking Profile of EFF with respect to the information and/or material(s)/content available on the Platform, may not have been reviewed and expressly consented to by EFF. Kindly refrain from posting any inappropriate, objectionable and obscene information, content or materials for which penal and criminal liability and charges must be faced by the person/individual/group/association posting such objectionable materials.

  15. Confidentiality:

    • All resources shared on the Platform are owned by either EFF or respective solution providers using the Platform. Funder(s)/Donor(s) must use the resources in the format they are presented in on the Platform, without editing or tampering with them in any way
    • Funder(s)/Donor(s) must expressly credit the knowledge owner, in writing, while using / sharing any resources from the Platform.
    • Confidential project information provided by CSOs will be available behind a regulated and encrypted log-in system on the Website. These documents provided by the CSOs via the encrypted login on the Website cannot be shared externally by Funder(s)/Donor(s) members of the Platform.
    • In addition, kindly refrain from posting any confidential or sensitive information, and/or material(s)/content on the Website for which appropriate dissemination of rights and express prior written approval has not been obtained from the owner of such confidential/sensitive information. We invite you to bring to our attention to any content, information or material(s) you believe to be inappropriate, objectionable and obscene, confidential or sensitive, or unlawfully disseminated, published, displayed and uploaded on the Website.
  16. Trademarks: The “Naturefuture” and “Eartfuture Foundation” names, logos, and brands are trademarks of EFF. The names, images and logos and brands identifying EFF and associated third parties and their products and services are the proprietary marks of EFF and/or third parties as appropriate and mutually decided between the parties. Nothing contained therein shall be construed as conferring on any third party by implication, estoppel or otherwise any licence or right under any trademark or patent of EFF or any third party.

  17. Photographs: The inclusion of person(s) in images or photographs on this Website should not be construed as indicating their status, age, caste, religion, social standing, economic background, sexual orientation etc. We obtain informed, prior written consent for photographs or images on our website that we directly secure from communities, as these may affect personal or restricted rights. We encourage all users of the website to do the same and follow best practice standards prior to publishing and displaying any images on our website.

  18. Any communication, information and/or material(s)/content that the CSR Funder(s)/Donor(s) and/or the CSOs transmit or post on any public domain of the Website including any data, questions, comments, suggestions, or the like (‘Contribution’) is and shall be treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary information. On posting any Contributions on this Website, you confirm that you are granting EFF a perpetual (and irrevocable), royalty-free, worldwide, non-exclusive licence in your Contribution to use the information, content and material(s) for any purpose except for any illegal and unlawful purposes and in any form of media in any part of the world. This includes the right of EFF to copy, edit, publish, display and grant sub-licences, and exercise all other copyright and publicity rights over the said Contribution.

  19. By posting a Contribution to this Website you warrant that: your Contribution does not infringe on any third party’s intellectual property rights, which include but not limited to any copyright, moral rights or trademark rights, patent rights etc.; you have all the necessary rights to post or submit the Contribution and to grant us the rights described in these terms of use; and in the case of a photograph, image or video footage, you have necessary permission from everyone in the photograph, image or the video footage. For children and young people under the age of 18 years, express prior written consent and permission must be obtained from their parent or legal guardian.

  20. EFF does not endorse any opinion, statement, or advice expressed by third party users of this Website. To the fullest extent permitted by law, EFF expressly disclaims all liability in connection with any opinions made by third party users of this Website.

  21. You may not;

    • submit, publish, post, distribute or transmit any defamatory, offensive, infringing, obscene, indecent, unlawful or objectionable Contributions on this Website.
    • Interfere with anyone’s use or enjoyment of this Website, for example by threatening, bullying or sending junk and spam mail to other third party users of this Website.
  22. If EFF, in its sole discretion considers that any Contribution, conduct or use of this site breaches these terms of use or is unlawful or inappropriate in any way, EFF reserves the right to do any or all of the following actions (without prior notice):

    • warn you via email and require you to discontinue such conduct or use of this Website;
    • delete any Contribution you have posted to this Website or which features in any personal area and/or violates the intellectual property rights, moral rights and is obscene and objectionable to the other third-party users of the Website;
    • discontinue your registration with this Website or any additional service being provided through this Website; and/or
    • take other measures, including terminating, suspending or restricting use of this Website, and/or passing details to relevant third parties, including email providers, the police or other authorities. Any action that we take is without prejudice to any of our accrued rights.
  23. We keep your personal information and any other information, and/or material(s)/content provided by you on our Website, for as long as is necessary for the purposes for which it is processed. These periods vary depending on the nature of the information and your interactions with us. When the purposes for which we processed your personal information, content, information and/or material(s)/content provided by you, have concluded, we will either permanently delete or destroy the relevant personal information and/or material(s)/content or anonymise it, in a manner that ensures individuals are no longer identifiable.

  24. In the event you do not wish to provide consent to publish the Contribution made by you or provide personal information, information and/or material(s)/content, on the Platform Website, we will handle your request in accordance with the law and may provide you with the following options to deal with your information and Contribution on the Website. There may be legal reasons why we cannot fulfil all requests at some times.

    • You have the right to withdraw your consent in relation to our processing of your personal information, Contribution, information and/or material(s)/content provided by you on the Website based on your express written consent.
    • You can unsubscribe from our marketing emails at any time using our email preferences page, or by clicking on the “unsubscribe” link.
    • You have the right to request the deletion of your personal information, Contribution, information and/or material(s)/content posted by you on our Website, in certain circumstances.
    • You have the right to request that we restrict the processing of your personal information, Contribution, information and/or material(s)/content posted by you on the Website in certain circumstances.
    • You have the right to object to the use or disclosures of your personal information, Contribution, information and/or material(s)/content posted by you on the Website.
    • You have the right to request how we transmit your personal information, Contribution, information and/or material(s)/content posted by you on the Website to you or another company in certain circumstances.

We process all requests in accordance with the law, and there may be legal reasons why we cannot fulfil all requests. To exercise these rights, please use our online form or contact us at contact@Naturefuture.org

  1. These terms and conditions and rules and/or specific terms of use appearing on this Website relating to specific information and/or material(s)/content shall regulate the use of this Website read with and subject to the applicable law(s) of India.
  2. These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of India. Any legal action or proceeding related to or in connection with this Website shall be brought exclusively in a court of competent jurisdiction in Mumbai, Maharashtra. If you have any questions or clarifications with respect to the Website, or our Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions, please contact: contact@Naturefuture.org

We hope that we will be able to resolve any questions or concerns you have. However, you also have the right to lodge a complaint about our processing of your personal information, Contributions, information and/or material(s)/content with us. Kindly contact: contact@Naturefuture.org